Products tagged with Houten Knoppen Puzzel

Article code LG11502
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Do you recognize these everyday things? This wooden button puzzle contains lovingly hand-painted puzzle pieces with wooden buttons from the theme world of everyday objects.
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Who are in your family and circle of friends? This robust wooden puzzle contains lovingly hand-drawn puzzle pieces with wooden buttons from the theme world of family and friends.
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Article code TT54310D42
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Can you recognize all the pets on this wooden button puzzle?
Find the right animals at the boxes, to give you an extra helping hand, the animals are also depicted on the puzzle plate. Read more
Find the right animals at the boxes, to give you an extra helping hand, the animals are also depicted on the puzzle plate. Read more

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A quick trip to the forest! This wooden button puzzle contains lovingly hand-drawn puzzle pieces with wooden buttons from the theme world of forest animals.
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